So how many people turned up to your event? Did you log them all? I hope so. These people have directly engaged with your charity now and therefore may be considered more viable leads and keeping your relationship going with these people could result in life long loyalty to your cause.


Communicating with your supporters should be a two way street where you share your stories and they share theirs, (you can read our Charity Lovemark blog series to find out more about that). Using Ribbon CRM to store key data about your supporters will enable your communications with them to be personal and genuine. This doesn’t mean spying on them and logging everything they do in any given day, it’s about actually building a relationship with them. The last time you spoke with them on the phone, social media or at an event, what did they say to you, have they been on holiday, got engaged, had a baby?


Nobody expects you to remember the details of hundreds of people, except those people themselves! You know how it feels when you think you made a connection with somebody and then the next time you meet they don’t even remember you. Storing this information means that you can genuinely get to know that person and not let them down.
So a week after your event you send your supporters a ‘thanks for joining us email’ with pictures from the event. If you get permission to take pictures of people before the event you can send them pictures of themselves enjoying the event in the thank you email. Ribbon CRM for charities works on mobile devices like phone and tablet so you can snap a picture and save it to the person’s record before you forget who they are!


We complete the cycle by using this data to communicate with supporters about future events, campaigns and the social impact THEIR help has made. 


If you’d like to find out more about building valuable relationships with your supports contact us here.


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How CRM Software Can Boost Your Fundraising Efforts


