Microsoft Dynamics CRM Polaris forms have a great influence over how the data is displayed. The Polaris form gives emphases on what’s really important right at the top of the form to allow information to be quickly obtained. Looking at an Opportunity record the data is divided up into three areas. First the top level give the opportunities sales related data like the close data, revenue and status. These are all really important to make forecasts based on pipeline opportunities.
The next Polaris level is the guided flow interface which breaks down the sales structure into stages. This takes any opportunity within the CRM from Qualifying to developing, proposing and to closing. Each stage requires information to be entered before it can go one to the next stage which removed errors some ware up the process flow. There’s nothing worse than trying to propose a solution that is ten time higher than the allowable budget. As long as the budget was captured whilst qualifying then this faux pas will be avoided.
The final level shows the opportunities summary information, its details, account, key contacts and product lines. Right in the middle of the Polaris form’s summary is where a massive advancement has occurred. The Activities, Posts and Notes are right where they need to be, right in the middle of the form with big icons in a Twitter / Facebook format. From here you can see all the activity, past and future, which relates to the Opportunity. If someone has changed or input any related information it will show up here in a clear format showing the details, who posted it and when it was posted. Microsoft has pushed the idea of the social CRM on a number of releases and this demonstrates a massive movement towards this ideology.
If you want to see more of what Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 can offer, we are running a discovery session. This is aimed at either organisations who have Dynamics CRM 2011 and want to see what’s new or for those wanting to take the first steps into Dynamics CRM. The session will be held in Sheffield, South Yorkshire on the 20th November. You can book onto the session by clicking here.