The website competition is specifically designed to develop school pupils’ internet skills, taking them through the steps to constructing their own website to support their teams entry in the design competition.The winners of this part of the Design Challenge are awarded with a number of text books on web design for the school.
As well as building the F1 microsite, Arkom Limited are also heavily involved with the competition, offering participants ongoing support and providing the services of an internet consultant to judge the final entries.
The participants in the F1 in Schools CAD/CAM Design Challenge all benefit from gaining invaluable experience in engineering and science and technology, but also have the opportunity to develop website design skills if they choose to enter Arkom Limited’s F1 in Schools Team Website competition. The website competition encourages school pupils to harness the power of IT, promoting the importance of a team website as a valuable promotional tool. As website design may be a daunting task for some adults let alone school kids, Arkom Limited have produced comprehensive guidance notes highlighting the key factors which must be considered when designing an effective website.
Although Arkom Limited build sophisticated and complex sites to meet their clients’ requirements, the F1 in Schools team websites should be relatively basic. However, the processes the teams go through do mirror the work of professional web companies like Arkom Limited.
Alan Easter-Robinson, Managing Director at Arkom Limited comments:
“The prospect of designing a website would terrify a lot of people. Our new microsite should show pupils how straightforward it can be to master the basic skills of web design. We want to spark pupils enthusiasm for web design, in the hope that they will go on to develop these further and perhaps ultimately putting these skills to good use in their final career. We hope that the experience of working with a professional web design company will be a very valuable experience for them and we expect to see some very sophisticated school websites as a result of this project”
Using the template and the notes the teams should be able to build a simple site from scratch, from writing the brief to uploading it onto the web. The F1 in Schools Challenge is going from strength to strength, initially set up to change perceptions of engineering and science and technology, the Challenge has received widespread acclaim from teachers who feel it offers pupils a unique opportunity to work on a dynamic and exciting project. Arkom Limited are pleased to be associated with a project that nurtures the wealth of blossoming talent in schools across the UK.